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As a PhD candidate, you may experience transgressive behaviour or other problems that affect your (physical or mental) health. If you encounter such issues, you can make use of various facilities for staff and students.

On the page below you can read what the UvA offers to assist you.

Mental Support Courses in the Faculty of Humanities PhD Skills Programme

The Faculty of Humanities PhD Skills programme offers the following mental health courses:

Social safety

If you are facing undesirable behaviour from your supervisors or one of your colleagues and you want to talk to someone, we encourage you to do so. We are committed to creating a safe workspace especially for PhD candidates.

Please never hesitate to reach out when you are feeling bullied, intimidated, or unsafe by one of your colleagues or supervisors. You may always turn to the coordinator or director of your school, or to one of your supervisors. But if this feels not safe, then you may contact one of the confidential advisers. All information you share with them is striclty confidential and will not be shared with anyone without your explicit consent. The confidential advisers can give you advice on how to handle difficult situations and inform you on other options.