When faced with dilemmas it can be helpful to be able to talk about your concerns with a small group of peers, in a safe environment. In this training you can address issues of Social Safety (undesirable behaviour, e.g. bullying, intimidation, abuse of power, sexual harassment) and Academic Integrity (plagiarism, etc.) with our confidential advisor Academic Integrity and an external confidential advisor on Social Safety.
We will work with your own questions, experiences and topics that you find important, of course, in a confidential and safe setting. The confidential advisers will see to it that your stories will not be traceable to recognizable situations or persons. Participants are asked to respect the confidentiality and privacy of the people you are supporting and learning from.
To prepare for the training, you will be asked to share your your own dilemmas, experiences, questions with the trainer beforehand (N.B. this is optional). In doing so, please avoid using real names, situations, or identifiable details.
Luiza Bialasiewicz, Confidential adviser academic integrity
Joanke Visser, External confidential adviser social safety, Consultant bureau Bezemer & Schubad.
The next round of this course is in academic year 2024-2025. The course dates will be published on the website at the start of the new academic year. You will be informed through your local research school when registration opens.