Researchers, technicians and data scientists of CREATE investigate how cultural industries have shaped Amsterdam’s unique position in a European and global context, from the seventeenth century until the present day. In doing so, they collect data on the various cultural sectors of Amsterdam, link and enrich datasets, and develop novel search and analysis tools. They explore the possibilities and limitations of various computational techniques and methods, such as text mining, network analysis, image recognition, 3D visualisations and GIS mapping. The development of different cultural and creative industries is examined in projects that are organized in different program lines: Amsterdam Time Machine, Performing Arts, Artificial Intelligence and Impact of the Humanities.

Amsterdam Diaries Time Machine: WOII door de ogen van Amsterdamse vrouwen
Hoe zag Amsterdam er in de Tweede Wereldoorlog uit en hoe keken Amsterdammers in die tijd naar hun eigen stad? De nieuwe digitale applicatie Amsterdam Diaries Time Machine, ontwikkeld door wetenschappers van de ...