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The disciplinary training programmes of PhD-candidates are organized in national research schools, which organize PhD courses at the national level, thus pooling the available resources in an efficient manner.

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam has assumed responsibility for the management of two of these national schools: the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT) and the Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History (OSK). Thirteen further national research schools are hosted by other universities.

National Research School hosted at the University of Amsterdam
  • LOT - Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics

    Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap

    LOT is the acronym of ‘Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap’ and unites 400 faculty members and 150 PhD students, and 150 Research Master students.

  • OSK - Onderzoekschool Kunstgeschiedenis

    Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History

    The OSK is a national organization, founded in 1995, which connects several important institutes in the field of art and architectural historical research in the Netherlands. 

Additional DLG recognised research schools

Aside from the national research schools, of which the Faculty of Humanities is secretary, the DLG also recognises the following national research schools:

Organisation national research schools

In October 2010 the Decanenoverleg Letteren en Geschiedenis (DLG, the partnership of the Deans of Faculties of Arts and Humanities of the Dutch Universities) and the network partnership of national research schools in the humanities (Logos) reached an agreement about the organisation and financing of the national research schools as of January 2011. This agreement can be downloaded via the link below (in Dutch).