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Many PhD candidates obtain their doctorates at the Faculty of Humanities each year. The PhD council represents all PhD candidates at the Faculty, employees or not, in all matters that affect their interests. Its main task is to advise the research director of Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research, Professor dr. Julia Noordegraaf, and the head of research of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Nanske Wilholt.



L.J. (Lucy) Gaynor

AHM PhD representative

S.J. (Serra) Hughes

Self-Funded PhD representative (ASCA)

M. (Misagh) Javadpour

ARTES PhD representative

Drs. J. (Jasmijn) Leeuwenkamp

ASCA PhD representative

Drs. E.A. (Elsa) Lucassen

ASH PhD representative

M.C. (Maria) Parisi

ILLC PhD representative

A.M.M. (Anne-Mieke) Thieme MA

ACLC PhD representative