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The Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Fellowships are sponsored by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, which is also the main sponsor of the Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the UvA, held by Prof. Maria Boletsi. The fellowships are offered annually on a competitive basis and by application. They aim to strengthen research in the field of Modern Greek studies at the UvA and internationally, encourage academic collaborations and exchanges, and give the opportunity to young and more experienced scholars in this field to advance their research.
Alexander Kazamias
Copyright: Alexander Kazamias
Modern Greek Studies at UvA provide a friendly, flexible and liberal academic ethos that enables future fellows to organize their research as they see fit. Alexander Kazamias, senior fellow from September 2021 to January 2022 Read the full interview with Alexander Kazamias

Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellowships in Modern Greek Studies 

The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam annually invites applications for two visiting research fellowships in the field of Modern Greek Studies for early-career and more advanced scholars who wish to pursue part of their research at the UvA. The call is open to projects from all disciplines in the humanities and/or social sciences that engage with aspects of Modern Greek culture and/or history. Scholars pursuing comparative projects that may not focus (exclusively) on Greece but situate Modern Greek culture in broader, transnational contexts are also encouraged to apply.

Call 2025/2026 will be open in December 2024 (deadline: 1 March 2025)

The call for applications is open both for scholars affiliated with other academic institutions (e.g., universities or research institutes) and independent scholars with a Ph.D. For the academic year 2025-2026, 1 fellowship will be offered to an early-career scholar (with a Ph.D. not earlier than 2019) for a period of 5 months, and 1 fellowship will be offered to a more experienced scholar (with a Ph.D. between 2005 and 2019) for a period of 5 months. NB: The selection committee retains the right to offer both fellowships to either early or 2 advanced scholars depending on the quality of the submitted proposals in both categories. 

Dimitris Soudias
Copyright: Dimitri Soudias
Without a doubt my fellowship at UvA was one of the most rewarding academic experiences I’ve had. Dimitris Soudias, junior fellow from February to June 2022 Read the full interview with Dimitris Soudias

About the fellowships

  • The fellows are expected to be in Amsterdam for the duration of the fellowship and devote their time to research and writing related to their proposed project. The fellows are also expected to give at least one lecture, collaborate with other colleagues at the University of Amsterdam and participate in activities of the Modern Greek Language and Culture group and, more generally, in the intellectual life of the university.
  • The research conducted during the period of the fellowship should lead to a concrete output in the form of (part of) a book, scientific article, grant proposal and/or other (to be specified in the application). At the end of the term of the fellowship, the fellows are asked to submit a report on the research and scholarly activities undertaken during the fellowship. The fellows are also asked to acknowledge the fellowship and its sponsor in any publication resulting from research made possible through the fellowship.
  • The fellowship does NOT constitute an employment relationship with the University of Amsterdam.
  • The University of Amsterdam will provide the fellows with office space as well as access to university facilities and library resources.
  • Fellows are responsible for arranging their accommodation, but the University can offer assistance in finding accommodation through the University Housing Service.
Prof. dr. M. (Maria) Boletsi

Faculty of Humanities

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