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From September 2024, Feike Dietz (Professor in Dutch literature) and Djoeke van Netten (UHD in early modern history) will assume the role of co-directors of the Amsterdam Centre for Studies in Early Modernity (ACSEM).

In this role they will collaborate with Rozemarijn Landsman (teacher in Art History and co-coordinator of the Art and Media-major in GACP), Anna-Rose Shack (PhD candidate in early modern English literature), and Joost Oosterhuis (rMA student in early modern history). This interdisciplinary team will work together to curate lectures and events that showcase the work of scholars at the UvA and provide a platform for (inter)national scholarship and dialogue on the (long) early modern period. 
The new team will break with the tradition of monthly seminars on Tuesday afternoons. Instead, we will schedule events ranging from scholarly lectures to interactive panel discussions to site visits. These events will take place on different afternoons and at different locations in Amsterdam. This variety aims to involve as many people as possible including scholars specialized in early modernity, students, and the general public. 
The incoming team would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing ACSEM director, Judith Noorman, and secretary, Marleen Puyenbroek, for their exceptional work. Under their guidance ACSEM has grown as a dynamic and intellectually stimulating forum for researchers and the wider community. 
More information about ACSEM, including details on upcoming events, can be found on the website. The ACSEM team can also be reached at Please do get in touch if you have any questions or would like to share your ideas for future ACSEM events!

Prof. dr. F.M. (Feike) Dietz

Faculty of Humanities

Departement Neerlandistiek

Dr D.H. (Djoeke) van Netten

Faculty of Humanities
