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The central focus of the anthology is a critical juxtaposition of the NS theatre of representation, the Theatre of the Cultural Association of German Jews, as well as theatrical activities in ghettos and concentration camps.
Boekomslag Theater unter NS-Herrschaft - Theatre under Pressure

Special attention is given to source materials, the current state of research, to specific theatre concepts in the three focal areas and to interpretative patterns that have emerged in the field of research and memory studies. The juxtaposition of the research areas allows for new (theatre-related) historical, historiographical, dramaturgical and theoretical insights, that provide new perspectives in Theatre Studies in general.

Theater unter NS-Herrschaft - Theatre under Pressure

  • Brigitte Dalinger (Hg.) and Veronika Zangl (Hg.)
  • Vienna University Press
  • ISBN 978 3 8471 0642 5