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Opera was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in nineteenth-century Europe, and it served as the social media of an age where political ideas were presented, promoted, and performed with the active participation of opera-going audiences.
Boekomslag Staging the Nation: Opera and Nationalism in 19th-Century Hungary

Opera shaped and disseminated national ideas and political emotions more effectively and widely than any other medium. In her book, Krisztina Lajosi shows how public opera houses created embodied communities where people across the social spectrum experienced national solidarity, turning audiences into a national public. Staging the Nation is an innovative and richly illustrated cultural history of both nationalism and music theater.

Staging the Nation: Opera and Nationalism in 19th-Century Hungary

  • Krisztina Lajosi
  • Brill, Leiden and Boston 2018
  • ISBN:   978-90-04-34722-9