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In his new book 'God, Mathematics, Madness' ['Dieu, les mathématiques, la folie'], Fouad Laroui explores three forms of 'madness' related to the History of mathematics.
Fouad Laroui - Dieu Les Mathematiques

The first one is the obsession with actual infinity, which starts with the Pythagorean school and ends with Georg Cantor; the second is the search for the ultimate equation which culminates with Einstein; the third has to do with unbound formalism. In the fourth part of the book, Laroui shows how Godel, Perelman, Grothendieck and Erdos illustrate at least one of these forms of madness where God and mathematics interfere with tragic consequences.

'God, Mathematics, Madness' ['Dieu, les mathématiques, la folie']

  • Fouad Laroui
  • Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 2018