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Dr. J.C. (Coyan) Tromp

Faculty of Science
Inst.voor Interdisciplinaire Studies
Photographer: Paul Born

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.128
Postal address
  • Postbus 94224
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Coyan Tromp is curriculum developer and assistant professor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Amsterdam.

    In 2007, she stood at the cradle of the bachelor programme Future Planet Studies, a study in which disciplinary knowledge and skills from the beta and gamma domains are combined to find solutions for complex global issues such as the energy issue, climate change, the depletion of natural resources, food supply and water management. And she continues to initiate and participate in various sustainability projects, at both bachelors’ and masters’ level, for all faculties of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

    In her role as lecturer she has been coordinating and teaching courses on Philosophy of Science, project-based courses such as the Reflexive Design Project, Future Planet Project and Scenario Planning. She has also designed and given workshops on 21st Century Skills and Systems Thinking.

    As Education Research Fellow she investigates the potential of blended learning and experiments with innovative pedagogical concepts such as the flipped classroom and rubrics (as means to integrate learning and assessment).

    In the past, she has been involved in international comparative research on the influence of futures thinking on environmental policies. Currently, she participates as philosopher of science in UvA’s Research Priority Area on Energy through the Lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (ENLENS).

    In the early days of her professional career she worked as consultant and researcher in the fields of social work, employees’ councils and labour reintegration, experimenting with inter- and transdisciplinary research. Meanwhile she was teaching philosophy of science and methodology at the University of Utrecht, specifically action related methodologies (e.g. intervention, implementation and evaluation research), and writing a dissertation about the underlying philosophy of such action oriented types of research. After her PhD, she worked at the National Expertise Centre for Social Intervention, coordinating and lecturing within the curriculum of the professional Master Social Intervention. During this time she was also editor of the scientific journals of Labour & Participation and Social Intervention.

  • Publications




    • Tromp, C. (2011). BLOSSOM: Support to analysis for long-term governance and institutional arrangements - Annex 6 — Netherlands country case studyNetherlands case study. (EEA technical report; No. 5/2011). European Environmental Agency. [details]


    • Almekinders, C., Beukema, L., & Tromp, C. (2009). Research in action: theories and practices for innovation and social change. (Mansholt publication series; No. 6). Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Press. [details]
    • Tromp, C. (2009). Building bridges to the future. In C. Almekinders, L. Beukema, & C. Tromp (Eds.), Research in action: Theories and practices for innovation and social change (pp. 185-205). (Mansholt series; No. 6). Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Press. [details]



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  • Ancillary activities
    • Hedgehog Company
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