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Nys, T. R. V., & Engelen, B. (2024). Pushed for Being Better: On the Possibility and Desirability of Moral Nudging. Journal of Value Inquiry. Advance online publication.
Nys, T. R. V., & Wijsbek, H. W. J. M. (2022). On the Authority of Advance Directives for People with Severe Dementia: Reflections on a Dutch Case. The Hastings Center report, 52(5), 24-31.
Nys, T., & Engelen, B. (2022). Commercial Online Choice Architecture: When Roads Are Paved with Bad Intentions. In F. Jongepier, & M. Klenk (Eds.), The Philosophy of Online Manipulation (pp. 135-155). (Routledge research in applied ethics). Routledge.[details]
Nys, T. R. V., & Engelen, B. (2020). Tough on Tolerance: The Vice of Virtue. In The Palgrave Handbook of Toleration (pp. 1-17). Palgrave. Advance online publication.
Nys, T. (2019). Sade: Mushroom Clouds and Silver Linings. In T. Nys, & S. de Wijze (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil (pp. 122-134). (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge.[details]
Nys, T., & de Wijze, S. (2019). Introduction. In T. Nys, & S. de Wijze (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil (pp. 1-12). (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge.[details]
Nys, T. R. V., & Engelen, B. (2017). Judging Nudging: Answering the Manipulation Objection. Political Studies, 65(1), 199-214 . Advance online publication.[details]
Nys, T. R. V. (2013). The Wreckage of Our Flesh: Dementia, Autonomy and Personhood. In Y. Denier, C. Gastmans, & A. Vandevelde (Eds.), Justice, luck & responsibility in health care: philosophical background and ethical implications for end-of-life care (pp. 189-203). (Library of ethics and applied philosophy; No. 30). Springer.[details]
Nys, T. R. V., & Engelen, B. (2013). Against the Secret Ballot: toward a new proposal for open voting. Acta Politica, 48(4), 490-507.[details]
Engelen, B., & Nys, T. (2008). Tolerance: a virtue? Towards a broad and descriptive account of tolerance. Philosophy in the Contemporary World, 15(1), 44-54.[details]
van Hees, M., Nys, T., & Robeyns, I. (Eds.) (2014). Basisboek ethiek. Boom. [details]
Nys, T. (2009). Charles Taylor: Sources of the self (1989). In R. Gabriëls (Ed.), De twintigste eeuw in veertien filosofische boeken (pp. 270-288). Boom. [details]
Nys, T. (2008). Darkies, dwarves and benders: political (in)correctness in The Office (UK). In J. J. Wisnewski (Ed.), The Office and philosophy: scenes from the unexamined life (pp. 177-191). (The Blackwell philosophy and popculture series). Blackwell. [details]
Nys, T. (2008). Hoe moeten we samenleven? Over vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap. In P. d' Hoine, & B. Engelen (Eds.), Denkbeelden: van film naar filosofie (pp. 134-150). Pelckmans [etc.]. [details]
Nys, T. (2008). Look at the ears! The problem of natural kinds (UK). In J. J. Wisnewski (Ed.), The Office and philosophy: scenes from the unexamined life (pp. 234-246). (The Blackwell philosophy and popculture series). Blackwell. [details]
Nys, T. (2008). Onder het plaveisel, het moeras: Theodore Dalrymple en het conservatisme. In J. Zeedijk, & P. Van Bortel (Eds.), Bedrogen door de elite? Kritische beschouwingen bij Theodore Dalrymples cultuuranalyse (pp. 122-143). Pelckmans [etc.]. [details]
Nys, T. (2015). Vrijheid en ketenen. vrijheid en autonomie in de gezondheidszorg. In T. Wobbes, & M. van den Muijsenbergh (Eds.), Baas over eigen lichaam? : Dilemma’s rond zelfbeschikking en gezondheid (pp. 75-88). (Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap; Vol. 103, No. 2). Valkhof Pers.[details]
Nys, T. (2011). [Review of: J. Christman (2009) The politics of persons: individual autonomy and socio-historical selves]. European journal of philosophy, 19(3), 474-480.[details]
Nys, T. R. V. (2013). Truth Sells. But Who's Buying? In Van Bortel et. al (Ed.), Wij en de media (pp. 103-111). Pelckmans.
Berresheim, L. H. M. (2024). The right to privacy: A challenge for judicial and political balancing. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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