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Prof. J.A.I. (Josephine) Hoegaerts

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies
Photographer: Kirsten Van Santen

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Josephine Hoegaerts is professor of European Culture after 1800, at the capacity group European Studies, where she teaches on questions of diversity, identity and political culture. Before coming to Amsterdam, she was Associate Professor of European Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and held various (visiting) fellowships at the University of Cambridge (CRASSH), the University of the Aegean, Birkbeck College, and the Conservatory of Leipzig. She obtained her PhD at the University of Leuven, Belgium, in 2010.

    Interested in the daily practices of citizenship, political participation and public speech, Josephine Hoegaerts has conducted research on the embodiment of authority in nineteenth century Europe, the histories of masculinity and disability, modes of colonial cultural exchange, and the importance of sound in and beyond parliament. Between 2018 and 2023 she led the research project CALLIOPE: Vocal Articulations of Parliamentary Identity and Empire (ERC StG)

  • Publications


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2024). Fairness and fluency: the political audibility of ‘newcomers’ in Victorian debating clubs and public meetings, 1870–1910. Parliaments Estates & Representation, 44(1), 34-47 . [details]
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2024). The Arduous and the Ordinary: Embodying the Conversational Voice in the Long Nineteenth Century. Cultural History, 13(2), 200-220. [details]



    • Geerts, E., Hoegaerts, J., Hens, K., & Blackie, D. (Eds.) (2022). Special issue - Dis/abling gender. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 25.
    • Hoegaerts, J., Liimatainen, T., Hekanaho, L., & Peterson, E. (Eds.) (2022). Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality. Helsinki University Press.
    • Hoegaerts, J., Peterson, E., Liimatainen, T., & Hekanaho, L. (2022). An Introduction. In J. Hoegaerts, T. Liimatainen, L. Hekanaho, & E. Peterson (Eds.), Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality (pp. 1-16). Helsinki University Press.



    • Aavik, K., Bland, C., Hoegaerts, J., & Salminen, J. (Eds.) (2020). Men, Masculinities and the Modern Career: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. De Gruyter.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Historicising Policital Masculinities and Careers. In K. Aavik, C. Bland, J. Hoegaerts, & J. Salminen (Eds.), Men, Masculinities and the Modern Career (pp. 241-260). De Gruyter.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Learning to love. In A. Stynen, M. Van Ginderachter, & X. M. Núñez Seixas (Eds.), embodied practices of patriotism in the Belgian nineteenth-century classroom (and beyond) (pp. 66-83). (Routledge Studies in Modern European History). Routledge.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Stammering, Stuttering and Stumbling: a Transnational History of the Pathologization of Dysfluency in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies, 5(2), 129-146.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). The Sound of Sovereignty. In A. Gilleir, & A. Defurne (Eds.), Royal Vocal Strategies in the Victorian House of Lords (pp. 135-156). Leuven University Press.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Women’s voices in educational manuals: The gendered sounds of speech therapy, song and education in Europe c.1830–1900. Women's History Review, 29.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). «Acquiring a ‘manly’ tone»: Audible Intersections of Masculinity and Age in the Long Nineteenth Century. Genesis: revista della società italiana delle storiche, 19(2), 65-87.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). “Discoverers of the Hidden Land”: New Images of the Voice in the Late Nineteenth Century. Victorian Review, 46(1), 18-22.


    • Helsinki, U. (2019). Learning English at the Expense of the Union? The (colonized) voice as a vehicle of knowledge and political transfer. Ennen ja nyt : historian tietosanomat, (4/2019).
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Kilpiö, K. (Eds.) (2019). Special Collection: Sound and Modernity. International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, 7.



    • Hoegaerts, J. (2017). By but not of the body. In S. Benedik, H. Zettelbauer, N. Kontschieder, & K. Sonnleitner (Eds.), Performing girls’ and boys’ voices in the nineteenth century (pp. 193-208). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2017). Silence as borderland: a semiotic approach to the “silent” pupil in nineteenth-century vocal education. Paedagogica Historica, 53(5), 514-527.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2016). Recording the Subaltern's Speech: Children's Voices in the Antwrp School Archives, ca.1850-1905. Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, XLVI(1), 62-83.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2016). Speechlessness and Acoustic Normality in Nineteenth-century Deaf Education. In P. Devlieger, M. Strickfaden, S. Brown, & B. Miranda (Eds.), Rethinking disability Garant.
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Declerck, G. (2016). Intercession, Emancipation and a Space In Between: Silence as a Mode of Deaf Citizenship in the Nineteenth Century and Today. DiGeSt Journal for Gender and Diversity Studies, 3(2).
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Dierckx, B. (2016). Exercising Neutrality: Maneuvering Practice in the Belgian Army before the Great War. Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, XLVI(2), 22-47.
    • Hoegaerts, J., Verstraete, P., & Van Puymbroeck, B. (Eds.) (2016). Silence and Diversity. DiGeSt Journal for Gender and Diversity Studies, 3(2).
    • Muelenaere, N. D., & Hoegaerts, J. (2016). Country and Army in the Making: Journal of Belgian History XLVI:2. (Journal of Belgian History). CegeSoma.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2015). Constructing Acoustic Normality in Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education. In M. Strickfaden, & P. Devlieger (Eds.), Rethinking Disability Garant.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2015). S-s-s-syncopation: Music, Modernity and the Performance of Stammering (ca.1860-1930). Societies, 5(4), 744-759.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2015). Soldats dévots et saints combatifs. Regard sur l’historiographie anglophone et germanophone des masculinités religieuses (XIXe-XXe siècle). In M. Brejon de Lavergnee, & M. Della Sudda (Eds.), Genre et christianisme. Plaidoyers pour une histoire croisée Beauchesne.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2015). Speaking like Intelligent Men: Vocal Articulations of Authority and Identity in the House of Commons in the Nineteenth Century. Radical History Review, 121, 123-144.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2014). Masculinity and Nationhood, 1830-1910: Constructions of Identity and Citizenship in Belgium. (Gender and Sexualities in History). Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2014). De eunuch en de stotteraar: ongepaste, ongezonde en onnatuurlijke mannenstemmen rond de eeuwwisseling. Rythmus. Jaarboek voor Fin-de-Siècle Studies, 95-112.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2014). La voix du pays. Masculinity, vocal authority and the disembodied citizen in the nineteenth century. In B. Sauer, & K. Starck (Eds.), A Man’s World? Political Masculinities in Literature and Culture (pp. 39-50). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2014). Little citizens and petites patries: learning patriotism through choral singing in Antwerp in the late nineteenth century. In U. Geisler, & K. Johansson (Eds.), Choral singing: histories and practices (pp. 14-32). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2013). "As it echoes South and North". Girls and Boys Singing Identity into the National Landscape. In M. Waligorska (Ed.), Music, Longing and Belonging. Articulations of the Self and the Other in the Musical Realm (pp. 202-221). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2013). “Is it a habit or is it a disease?”: the changing social meaning of stammering in nineteenth-century Western Europe. Terrains & Travaux, 23(2), 17-37.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2012). Metaphors of Kinship and Constructions of Masculinity: Fatherhood and Brotherhood in the Nineteenth-Century Belgian Army. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 127(1), 72-100.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2011). Divorce law in Europe and the United States. In World History Encyclopedia. Era 7: The Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914 (pp. 143-145). ABC-Clio.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2011). ‘L’homme du monde est obligé de se battre’. Duel-vertogen en -praktijken in en rond het Belgische parlement, 1830-1900. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis , 124(2), 190-205.



    • Hoegaerts, J. (2009). Domestic heroes : Saint Nicholas and the catholic family father in the nineteenth century. Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality, 3(1), 41-63.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2009). Entre norme et anomalie: l’homme hétérosexuel et le mariage raté à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle. In C. Taraud, L. Gaissad, & C. Deschamps (Eds.), Hétéros. Discours, lieux, pratiques (pp. 109-122). EPEL.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2009). Trust and temptation: adultery and masculinity in the nineteenth-century divorce court. Sextant : revue du Groupe interdisciplinaire d'études sur les femmes, 21, 15-29.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2008). De vriend van ieder kind? Sinterklaas en de katholieke huisvader in het negentiende eeuwse Vlaanderen. Trajecta, 3(17), 314-334.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2008). Legal or just? Law, ethics and the double standard in the nineteenth-century divorce court. Law and History Review, 26(2), 1-26.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2006). Sous l’empire de la jalousie : de constructie van gehuwde mannelijkheid in laat-negentiende-eeuwse echtscheidingsprocedures in Vlaanderen, een case studie. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 3(9), 19-31.


    • Hoegaerts, J. A. I. (2024). Private opinion, public speech: the continued importance of talk in Victorian politics. Victorian Review, 49(2), 195-197.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2023). Sounds from A Shrunken World: Covid, Speech and Silence. In K. Lovell (Ed.), RecordCovid19: Historicizing Experiences of the Pandemic (pp. 23-40). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. [details]
    • Hoegaerts, J. A. I. (2023). Puhetta kulttuurista. Tallennettu ääni tieteellisenä ja pedagogisena käytäntönä. In S. Lillbroända-Annala, M. Mäki, & P. Olsson (Eds.), Kulttuurien tutkimuksen pedagogiikka Ethnos Ry.


    • Geerts, E., Hoegaerts, J., Hens, K., & Blackie, D. (2022). Dis/abling gender in crisis times. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 25(1), 1-18.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2022). Hinderlijke helpers: Hélène Quanquin, Men in the American Women's Rights Movement [Book review]. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 25(3), 276-279.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2022). [Review of] Edward J. Gillin. Sound Authorities: Scientific and Musical Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Isis, 113(3), 664-666.
    • Lauwers, K., Marionneau, L., & Hoegaerts, J. (2022). Introduction: Oratory and Representation in the Long Nineteenth Century. European review of history, 29(5), 733-744.
    • Sil, E., Castrillon Arcila, S. A., Lauwers, K., & Hoegaerts, J. (2022). Siirtomaavalta-ajan historiat - Dekolonisoidut vuoropuhelut: tutkimusta musiikin avulla ja sen kautta. Musiikin suunta : Suomen etnomusikologinen seura ry:n julkaisema musiikkialan tieteellinen mielipidelehti, 44(1).


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Conference Report: Oratory and Representation – Parliamentary Discourses and Practices in the 19th century.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Echokamers van het verleden: Polyfone herinneringen aan gendergeschiedenis. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 23(3), 257-262.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2020). Mannelijkheid en methode in het meervoud: Een gegenderde geschiedenis van de Republiek [Recensie]. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 23(3), 308-311.


    • Berkers, P., & Hoegaerts, J. (2019). Music, gender, inequalities: Introduction to special issue. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 22(1), 1-6.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2019). Review of Sasha Handley, Rohan McWilliam & Lucy Noakes (eds), New Directions in Social and Cultural History (London: Bloomsbury, 2018). Cultural History, 8(1), 126-129.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (2019). Review: Julia Eckhardt & Leen De Graeve (Eds.) (2017)The second sound. Conversations on gender and musicBrussels: Umland. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 22(1), 95-98.
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Kilpiö, K. (2019). Noisy Modernization? On the History and Historicization of Sound. International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, 7, 610-618.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2018). Conference Report: Writing Voice and Speaking Text: an Interdisciplinary Enquiry into Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Speech. Musiikin suunta : Suomen etnomusikologinen seura ry:n julkaisema musiikkialan tieteellinen mielipidelehti, 40(3).



    • Hoegaerts, J., & Muelenaere, N. D. (2016). Country and Army in the Making: Editorial. Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, XLVI(2), 10-21.
    • Hoegaerts, J., Verstraete, P., & Van Puymbroeck, B. (2016). Editorial: Silence and Diversity. DiGeSt Journal for Gender and Diversity Studies, 3(2), 3-8.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2015). Emotionele burgers en vaderlandslievende jongetjes. Recensie van Stephanie Olson, Juvenile Nation. Youth, Emotions and the Making of the Modern British Citizen. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis , 128(4), 692-694.
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Van Osselaer, T. (2015). Lichamelijkheid en zedelijkheid: gender in de klas en op de speelplaats. In Geschiedenis van het katholiek onderwijs in België Averbode-Halewijn.



    • Hoegaerts, J. (2022). Yhtä ja toista Toisten Maalla – havaintoja Kansallismuseon näyttelystä. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja, 120(2), 247-249.
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Wuokko, M. (2022). Podcasts as student assignments: Experiences and insights. Yliopistopedagogiikka, 29(1).


    • Hoegaerts, J. (Author), & Vuorio, L. (Author). (2019). Podcast in Podcast: with Josephine Hoegaerts and Lotta Vuorio. Digital or Visual Products, University of Helsinki.
    • Mannila, H. M. (Author), Hoegaerts, J. (Author), Vuorio, L. K. (Author), & Zeiler, X. (Author). (2019). Podcasting Module for ALKU’s Digiloikka Project. Web publication or website


    • Hoegaerts, J., & Van Osselaer, T. (2017). Gegenderde scholen, gegenderde lichamen: geslacht op school in de twintigste eeuw. Hermes, 21(62), 48-53.


    • Hoegaerts, J. (2016). Victims of Civilization: The Stammerer’s Identity in Victorian Britain. In Diseases of Modern Life
    • Hoegaerts, J., & Van Osselaer, T. (2016). Corps et moralité. In J. De Maeyer, & P. Wynants (Eds.), Le genre en classe et dans la cour de récréation Averbode-Halewijn.

    Talk / presentation

    • Hoegaerts, J. (speaker) (31-1-2025). ‘Nous ne sommes pas ici pour chanter’: song, emotion and representation in the Chamber of Representatives. Belgium, ca. 1870-1910, Music, Politics and Emotions in 19th century Europe, Valencia.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (speaker) (25-1-2024). Toegang vrij: geluiden van hoop en inclusie, LUCA school of arts.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (speaker) (27-10-2023). Becoming Dysfluent: Complaints for Historians’ Ears, Making Sense of Suffering, Helsinki.
    • Hoegaerts, J. (speaker) (10-10-2023). Healthy throats, national sounds: vocal education as national heritage in 19th century Europe, University of Ravenna.
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