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Morris, L. J., Leger, R., Newman, M., Burgoyne, J. A., Groves, R., Mangal, N., & Lee, J. H. (2024). Human-AI music process: A dataset of AI-supported songwriting processes from the AI Song Contest. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Society for Music Information Retrieval
Vélez Vásquez, M., Pouw, C., Burgoyne, J. A., & Zuidema, W. (2024). Exploring the inner mechanisms of large generative music models. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Society for Music Information Retrieval (pp. 5-14). ISMIR.
Baelemans, M. C. E., Vélez Vásquez, M. A., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2023). Defining Playability in Musical Performance: Cognitive Factors and Implications for Automated Song Difficulty Estimation. In The 16th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology
Burgoyne, J. A., Spijkervet, J., & Baker, D. J. (2023). Measuring the Eurovision Song Contest: A Living Dataset for Real-World MIR. In A. Sarti, F. Antonacci, M. Sandler, P. Bestagini, S. Dixon, B. Liang, G. Richard, & J. Pauwels (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: Milan, Italy, November 5-9, 2023 (pp. 817-823). ISMIR.[details]
Vélez Vásquez, M. A., Baelemans, M., Driedger, J., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2023). Quantifying the ease of playing song chords on the guitar. In A. Sarti, F. Antonacci, M. Sandler, P. Bestagini, S. Dixon, B. Liang, G. Richard, & J. Pauwels (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: Milan, Italy, November 5-9, 2023 (pp. 725-732). ISMIR.[details]
Vélez Vásquez, M. A., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2022). Tailed U-Net: Multi-Scale Music Representation Learning. In P. Rao, H. Murthy, A. Srinivasamurthy, R. Bittner, R. Caro Repetto, M. Goto, X. Serra, & M. Miron (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: Bengaluru, India, December 04-08, 2022 (pp. 67-75). ISMIR.[details]
Burgoyne, J. A., & Koops, H. V. (2021). We are Not Groupies. . . We are Band Aids’: Assessment Reliability in the AI Song Contest. Transactions of the International Society of Music Information Retrieval, 4, 236–247.[details]
Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021). Cosine Contours: a Multipurpose Representation for Melodies. In J. H. Lee, A. Lerch, Z. Duan, J. Nam, P. Rao, P. Van Kranenburg, & A. Srinivasamurthy (Eds.), Proceedings: The 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: ISMIR 2021 : November 7-12, 2021 (online) (pp. 135-142). ISMIR.[details]
Spijkervet, J., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021). Contrastive Learning of Musical Representations. In J. H. Lee, A. Lerch, Z. Duan, J. Nam, P. Rao, P. Van Kranenburg, & A. Srinivasamurthy (Eds.), Proceedings: The 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: ISMIR 2021 : November 7-12, 2021 (online) (pp. 673-681). ISMIR.[details]
Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2020). Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant. In J. Cuming, J. H. Lee, B. McFee, M. Schedl, J. Devaney, C. McKay, E. Zangerle, & T. de Reuse (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: ISMIR MTL2020, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Virtual Conference, 11 to 16 October 2020 (pp. 869-875). ISMIR.[details]
Cornelissen, B., Zuidema, W., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2020). Studying large plainchant corpora using chant21. In Proceedings of DLfM 2020: the 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology : 16th October 2020, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada (pp. 40-44). (ACM international conference proceedings series). The Association for Computing Machinery.[details]
Groenveld, G., Burgoyne, J. A., & Sadakata, M. (2020). I still hear a melody: investigating temporal dynamics of the Speech-to-Song Illusion. Psychological Research, 84(5), 1451–1459.[details]
van Nieuwenhuijsen, A. N., Burgoyne, J. A., Wiering, F., & Sneekes, M. (2020). A simple method for user-driven music thumbnailing. In J. Cuming, J. H. Lee, B. McFee, M. Schedl, J. Devaney, C. McKay, E. Zangerle, & T. de Reuse (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: ISMIR MTL2020, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Virtual Conference, 11 to 16 October 2020 (pp. 223-230). ISMIR.[details]
Koops, H. V., de Haas, W. B., Burgoyne, J. A., Bransen, J., Kent-Muller, A., & Volk, A. (2019). Annotator subjectivity in harmony annotations of popular music. Journal of New Music Research, 48(3), 232-252.[details]
Bouwer, F. L., Burgoyne, J. A., Odijk, D., Honing, H., & Grahn, J. A. (2018). What makes a rhythm complex? The influence of musical training and accent type on beat perception. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0190322.[details]
Janssen, B., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2017). Predicting Variation of Folk Songs: A Corpus Analysis Study on the Memorability of Melodies. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 621.[details]
Korsmit, I. R., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2017). If You Wanna Be My Lover … A Hook Discovery Game to Uncover Individual Differences in Long-term Musical Memory. In E. Van Dijck (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (pp. 106–111). Ghent University.
Mooren, N., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2017). Investigating grouping behaviour of dancers in a silent disco using overhead video capture. In E. Van Dijck (Ed.), Proceedings of the 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (pp. 142-149). Ghent University.
Burgoyne, J. A., Fujinaga, I., & Downie, J. S. (2016). Music Information Retrieval. In S. Schreibman, R. Siemens, & J. Unsworth (Eds.), A new companion to digital humanities (pp. 213-228). Wiley Blackwell.[details]
Burgoyne, J. A., Hofman, A., van der Maas, H., & Honing, H. (2015). Adaptive music recognition games for dementia therapy. In J. Ginsborg, A. Lamont, & S. Bramley (Eds.), Escom Manchester 2015: Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music : Royal Northern College of Music, 17-22- August 2015 : programme and abstracts (pp. 264-265). ESCOM.[details]
Van Balen, J., Burgoyne, J. A., Bountouridis, D., Müllensiefen, D., & Veltkamp, R. C. (2015). Corpus Analysis Tools for Computational Hook Discovery. In M. Müller, & F. Wiering (Eds.), ISMIR 2015: Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference : October 26-30, 2015, Málaga, Spain (pp. 227-233). ISMIR.[details]
Aljanaki, A., Bountouridis, D., Burgoyne, J. A., Van Balen, J., Wiering, F., Honing, H., & Veltkamp, R. (2014). Designing Games with a Purpose for Data Collection in Music Research. Emotify and Hooked: Two Case Studies. In A. De Gloria (Ed.), Games and Learning Alliance: Second International Conference, GALA 2013, Paris, France, October 23-25, 2013 : revised selected papers (pp. 29-40). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 8605). Springer.[details]
Burgoyne, J. A., de Haas, W. B., & Pauwels, J. (2014). On comparative statistics for labelling tasks: What can we learn from MIREX ACE 2013? In H-M. Wang, Y-H. Yang, & J. H. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: ISMIR 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, October 27-31, 2014 (pp. 525-530). ISMIR.[details]
Burgoyne, J. A., Bountouridis, D., Van Balen, J., & Honing, H. (2013). Hooked: A Game for Discovering What Makes Music Catchy. In A. de Souza Britto Jr., F. Gouyon, & S. Dixon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: November 4-8, 2013, Curitiba, Brazil (pp. 245-250). ISMIR. [details]
Burgoyne, J. A., Wild, J., & Fujinaga, I. (2013). Compositional Data Analysis of Harmonic Structures in Popular Music. In J. Yust, J. Wild, & J. A. Burgoyne (Eds.), Mathematics and Computation in Music: 4th international conference, MCM 2013, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 12-14, 2013: proceedings (pp. 52-63). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7937), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer.[details]
Van Balen, J., Burgoyne, J. A., Wiering, F., & Veltkamp, R. C. (2013). An Analysis of Chorus Features in Popular Song. In A. de Souza Britto Jr., F. Gouyon, & S. Dixon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: November 4-8, 2013, Curitiba, Brazil (pp. 107-112). ISMIR. [details]
Vigliensoni, G., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2013). MusicBrainz for the World: The Chilean Experience. In A. de Souza Britto Jr., F. Gouyon, & S. Dixon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: November 4-8, 2013, Curitiba, Brazil (pp. 131-136). ISMIR. [details]
Hankinson, A., Burgoyne, J. A., Vigliensoni, G., & Fujinaga, I. (2012). Creating a large-scale searchable digital collection from printed music materials. In WWW'12 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web Companion (pp. 903-908). (WWW'12 - Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web Companion). Association for Computing Machinery.
Hankinson, A., Porter, A., Burgoyne, J. A., Thompson, J., Vigliensoni, G., Liu, W., Chiu, R., & Fujinaga, I. (2012). Digital document image retrieval using optical music recognition. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2012 (pp. 577-582). (Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2012).
Burgoyne, J. A., Wild, J., & Fujinaga, I. (2011). An expert ground-truth set for audio chord recognition and music analysis. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011 (pp. 633-638). (Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011).
Smith, J. B. L., Burgoyne, J. A., Fujinaga, I., De Roure, D., & Downie, J. S. (2011). Design and creation of a large-scale database of structural annotations. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011 (pp. 555-560). (Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011). International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
Vigliensoni, G., Burgoyne, J. A., Hankinson, A., & Fujinaga, I. (2011). Automatic pitch recognition in printed square-note notation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011 (pp. 423-428). (Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2011).
McKay, C., Burgoyne, J. A., Hockman, J., Smith, J. B. L., Vigliensoni, G., & Fujinaga, I. (2010). Evaluating the genre classification performance of lyrical features relative to audio, symbolic and cultural features. In Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2010 (pp. 213-218). (Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2010).
Burgoyne, J. A., Devaney, J., Ouyang, Y., Pugin, L., Himmelman, T., & Fujinaga, I. (2009). Lyric extraction and recognition on digital images of early music sources. In Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009 (pp. 723-727). (Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009).
McKay, C., Burgoyne, J. A., Thompson, J., & Fujinaga, I. (2009). Using ace XML 2.0 to store and share feature, instance and class data for musical classification. In Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009 (pp. 303-308). (Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009).
Ouyang, Y., Burgoyne, J. A., Pugin, L., & Fujinaga, I. (2009). A robust border detection algorithm with application to medieval music manuscripts. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2009 (pp. 101-104). (Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2009). International Computer Music Association.
Thompson, J., McKay, C., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2009). Additions and improvements to the ace 2.0 music classifier. In Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009 (pp. 435-440). (Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2009).
Burgoyne, J. A., & McAdams, S. (2008). A meta-analysis of timbre perception using nonlinear extensions to CLASCAL. In Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval. Sense of Sounds: 4th International Symposium, CMMR 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2007 : revised papers (pp. 181-202). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 4969). Springer.
Burgoyne, J. A., Devaney, J., Pugin, L., & Fujinaga, I. (2008). Enhanced bleedthrough correction for early music documents with recto-verso registration. In ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 407-412). (ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval).
Pugin, L., Hockman, J., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2008). Gamera versus aruspix two optical music recognition approaches. In ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 419-424). (ISMIR 2008 - 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval).
Burgoyne, J. A., Pugin, L., Eustace, G., & Fujinaga, I. (2007). A comparative survey of image binarisation algorithms for optical recognition on degraded musical sources. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 (pp. 509-512). (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007).
Burgoyne, J. A., Pugin, L., Kereliuk, C., & Fujinaga, I. (2007). A cross-validated study of modelling strategies for automatic chord recognition in audio. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 (pp. 251-254). (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007).
Pugin, L., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2007). Goal-directed evaluation for the improvement of optical music recognition on early music prints. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2007: Building and Sustaining the Digital Environment (pp. 303-304). (Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries).
Pugin, L., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2007). Map adaptation to improve optical music recognition of early music documents using hidden markov models. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007 (pp. 513-516). (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2007).
Pugin, L., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2007). Reducing costs for digitising early music with dynamic adaptation. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - 11th European Conference, ECDL 2007, Proceedings (pp. 471-474). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 4675 LNCS). Springer Verlag.
Li, B., Burgoyne, J. A., & Fujinaga, I. (2006). Extending Audacity for audio annotation. In ISMIR 2006 - 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 379-380). (ISMIR 2006 - 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval).
Burgoyne, J. A., & Saul, L. K. (2005). Learning harmonic relationships in digital audio with dirichlet-based hidden Markov models. In ISMIR 2005 - 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 438-443). (ISMIR 2005 - 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval).
Sha, F., Burgoyne, J. A., & Saul, L. K. (2004). Multiband statistical learning for F 0 estimation in speech. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Vol. 5, pp. V-661-V-664). (ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings).
Li, J., Baker, D. J., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2023). Is Pitch Information Indispensable for Music Recognition? A Pilot Study Based on a Musical Matching Pairs Game. In M. Tsuzaki, M. Sadakata, S. Ikegami, T. Matsui, M. Okano, & H. Shoda (Eds.), The e-proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (pp. 65-71). The Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition.[details]
Honing, H., Bouwer, F. L., Burgoyne, J. A., Sadakata, M., Damsma, A., Baelemans, M. C. E., Janssen, B. D., & Young, Z. (2022). ToontjeHoger: ToontjeHoger is een website met spelletjes die de luisteraar laat inzien dat zij muzikaler is dan je zou denken.. Web publication or website
Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2024). Rasch models for quantifying the strength of musical memory and the feeling of knowing. Abstract from European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, York, United Kingdom.
Corcoran, K., du Mérac, T. R., Johnson, F., Burgoyne, J. A., Honing, H., Ruderfer, D. M., Lense, M., & Gordon, R. L. (2024). Linking a musical memory gamified task to large-scale health data via electronic health records: A feasibility study in a clinic waiting room. Poster session presented at The Neurosciences and Music, Helsinki, Finland.
Bouwer, F. L., Damsma, A., Burgoyne, J. A., Grahn, J., Slagter, H. A., & Honing, H. (2023). Measuring rhythm and beat perception abilities: a comparison of often-used tests. 688. Abstract from 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Tokyo, Japan.
Burgoyne, J. A., Baker, D. J., & Honing, H. (2023). What a game can reveal about music perception: A psychometric analysis of the matching pairs game. Abstract from 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Tokyo, Japan.
Huang, X., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2023). What makes Chinese music memorable to the Chinese? The relationship between familiarity and recognition. Abstract from 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Tokyo, Japan.
Janssen, B., Burgoyne, J. A., Janulevicius, A., Rot, E., & Honing, H. (2023). An infrastructure for reusable online music experiments.. 366. Abstract from 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Tokyo, Japan.
Baker, D. J., Li, J., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2022). Would You Like to Participate? Prospects and Pitfalls of Designing Engaging and Intrinsically Motivating Experiments. Paper presented at Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference, Portland, OR, United States.
Huang, X., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2022). The Structure of Musical Preferences Using Chinese Samples. Paper presented at Society for Education, Music, and Psychology Research, London, United Kingdom.
Huang, X., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2022). What We Remember is the Prototypical: Pop Music in China from the 1970s to 2010s. Poster session presented at SysMus, Ghent, Belgium.
Li, J., Baker, D. J., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2022). The Possibilities and Impossibilities of the Matching-Pairs Game for Music Cognition Research — An Evaluation of a Case Study. Paper presented at Society for Education, Music, and Psychology Research, London, United Kingdom.
Li, J., Baker, D. J., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2022). Unravelling Our Capacity for Music: The Potential Role of Memory-Based Games. Paper presented at SysMus, Ghent, Belgium.
Cornelissen, B. J. M., Zuidema, W. H., & Burgoyne, J. A. (2021). Catafolk: Cataloguing folk music datasets for comparative musicology. Paper presented at International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology 2021, Aarhus, Denmark.
Kuiper, L., Orken, A., & Burgoyne, J. A. (in press). It's Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas: Exploring Short- and Long-Term Memory of Christmas Music through an Online Game. Paper presented at ICMPC-ESCOM 2021.
Michalko, A., & Burgoyne, J. A. (in press). Description of Flute Tone Quality: Semantic Labelling of Low-Level Features. Poster session presented at ICMPC-ESCOM 2021.
van Balen, J., Karavellas, T., Burgoyne, J. A., Wiering, F., Bountouridis, D., & Honing, H. (2014). Modeling Music and Memory Using Information Retrieval Techniques and Games with a Purpose. Poster session presented at Digital Humanities Conference Benelux.
Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2013). Does MIR Need to be More Catchy?. Abstract from 2013 Seminar on Cognitively Based Music Informatics Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Burgoyne, J. A., & McAdams, S. (2007). Non-linear scaling techniques for uncovering the perceptual dimensions of timbre. 73-76. Paper presented at International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Burgoyne, J. A., & Saul, L. K. (2005). Visualization of low dimensional structure in Tonal Pitch Space. Paper presented at International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
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