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Dr. A.F. (Ana) Albano Serrano

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
  • Room number: 312
Postal address
  • Postbus 94552
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Dr. Ana Serrano is specialized in the combination of conservation, art history and science for the interdisciplinary research of heritage textiles as sources of historical narratives.

    After her bachelor-master programme in Conservation and Restoration from the NOVA University of Lisbon in 2010, she obtained her PhD in History in 2016 through the NOVA University and the Dutch Cultural Heritage Laboratory (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed - RCE).  Her PhD dissertation focused on the interdisciplinary combination of History and Chemistry for the investigation of the global trade and traditional European/Asian dye applications of red insect dyes, through extensive historical research supplemented by the chemical characterization of dyes in historical textiles in European museum collections.

    Between 2016 and 2019 she worked in several post-doctoral projects at the University of Amsterdam and the RCE, related to the  investigation of the materials present in a large group of maritime archaeological textiles and their long-term preservation (WETDRESS: Back to the Objects project), and to the exploration of imaging techiques for better visualizations of the construction and condition assesment of textile surfaces (CarpetACT project). Between 2019 and 2020 she earned a Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship through the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, dedicating to the art historical and scientific investigation of the style, technological construction, and materials in extant silks in the museum's collection, while chemically assessing the red dye colourants present in the studied textiles, as a continuation to the narrative explored during her PhD thesis. 

    Serrano joined in 2022 as textile conservation lecturer the Group of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (C&R), School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), University of Amsterdam. Since September 2023 she has become Assistant Professor and course coordinator for the C&R textile specialization.

  • Publications






    • Serrano, A., Sousa, M., Hallett, J., Simmonds, M. S. J., Nesbitt, M., & Lopes, J. A. (2013). Identification of Dactylopius cochineal species with high-performance liquid chromatography and multivariate data analysis. Analyst, 138(20), 6081-6090.
    • Serrano, A., van Bommel, M., & Hallett, J. (2013). Evaluation between ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography analytical methods for characterizing natural dyestuffs. Journal of Chromatography A, 1318, 102-111.


    • Serrano, A., Sousa, M. M., Hallett, J., Lopes, J. A., & Oliveira, M. C. (2011). Analysis of natural red dyes (cochineal) in textiles of historical importance using HPLC and multivariate data analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401(2), 735-743.



    • Albano Serrano, A. F. (2020). Kleuren uit de Nieuwe Wereld: de assimilatie van Amerikaanse kleurstoffen in 16e en 17e eeuwse Europese textielcentra. In Proceedings of the Natuurlijk Kleuren Symposium Nov. 2017 (Vol. 8, pp. 41-56). Textielcommissie Musea.
    • Albano Serrano, A. F., Santos, R., Claro, A., Ferreira, M. J., & Hallett, J. (2020). Textiles, Trade and Taste – Portugal and the World (TTT): a project on the global circulation of textiles and dyes. Textile Museum Journal, 47, 187-196.


    • Serrano, A. (Guest ed.), Ferreira, M. J. (Guest ed.), & de Groot, E. C. (Guest ed.) (2019). Estudos sobre têxteis históricos = Studies in historical textiles. Conservar Património, 31, 1-214. [details]
    • Serrano, A., Ferreira, M. J., de Groot, E. C., & Cruz, A. J. (2019). O património têxtil e a interdisciplinaridade = Textile heritage and interdisciplinarity. Conservar Património, 31, 13-15. [details]



    • Boulboulle, J. B., Albano Serrano, A. F., Zijnlmans, J., van der Werf, I. D., & van Bommel, M. R. (2024). BLACK SECRETS: EXPLORING 33 STAALMEESTER SAMPLE BOOKS IN MUSEUM DE LAKENHAL. Poster session presented at 43 annual meeting of Dyes in History & Archaeology, Leeds, United Kingdom.
    • Hendriks, L., Spack, C., Haghighipour, N., Albano Serrano, A. F., & van Bommel, M. R. (2024). How old is red? Compound Specific Radiocarbon (14C) Dating of anthraquinone-based colourants in historical textiles. Poster session presented at Gordon Research Conference: Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.


    • Albano Serrano, A. F., Zhang, M., & Homan Free, M. E. (2023). Applicability of Darning Stitches to Textile Conservation. Poster session presented at ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference, Valencia, Spain.


    • Albano Serrano, A. F., & van den Doel, A. (2016). Cochineal Dyes in Historical Textiles: an Accessible Approach with Partial-Least Squares Discriminant Analysis. Poster session presented at 35th Dyes in History and Archaeology.


    • Albano Serrano, A. F., van Bommel, M. R., & Hallett, J. (2013). Evaluation between UHPLC and HPLC analytical methods for characterizing natural dyestuffs. Poster session presented at 39th International Symposium of High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques.


    • Albano Serrano, A. F., van Bommel, M. R., & Hallett, J. (2012). A New Method for Characterizing Dyestuffs with Ultra high-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Poster session presented at 31st Dyes in History and Archaeology.

    Prize / grant

    Journal editor

    • Albano Serrano, A. (editor) (2018-2019). Conservar Património (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Kruger Valerio, N. (speaker), Hensel, J. (speaker) & Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (10-5-2024). Between Artistry and Accident: Investigating the Intentionality of Dye Bleeding in Six Huipiles from The Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, Textiles: Conservation and Community.
    • Andreini, L. (speaker), Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) & Homan Free, M. (speaker) (11-4-2024). Mixed Media: A treatment roadblock or an opportunity?, 16th International Symposium on Wood and Furniture Conservation, Stichting Ebenist Abstracts for Review, Amsterdam.
    • Novick, C. (speaker), Andreini, L. (speaker), Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) & Homan Free, M. (speaker) (11-4-2024). Renewing Devotion: Transforming a Wooden Statuette through the Treatment of its Textiles, 16th International Symposium on Wood and Furniture Conservation, Stichting Ebenist Abstracts for Review, Amsterdam.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Hendriks, L. (speaker), Spack, C. (speaker), Haghighipour, N. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (2024). DATING TEXTILE HERITAGE: New insights with 14C analysis of anthraquinone-based red dyes, 43 annual meeting of Dyes in History & Archaeology, Leeds.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (23-11-2023). A lavish group of mid-17th-century silk fragments found in the Wadden Sea, North Holland, Workshop practice and production of textiles: recent and ongoing research - Research School for Art History (OSK) , Amersfoort.
    • Zhang, Z. (invited speaker), Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) & Homan Free, M. (speaker) (23-11-2023). Condition and risk assessment of textile samples in the Stalenboeken van de Lakenhal, Workshop practice and production of textiles: recent and ongoing research - Research School for Art History (OSK) , Amersfoort.
    • Hendriks, L. (speaker), Spack, C. (speaker), Portmann, C. (speaker), Haghipour, N. (speaker), Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Meijer, S. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (31-10-2023). Compound Specific Radiocarbon (14 C) Dating of Anthraquinone Based Colourants in Historical Textiles, 42 annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA), Copenhagen.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2022). Cochineal and the changing patterns of consumption of red dyes in the Early Modern European and Asian textile industries, The Natural Dyes of the Americas: A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the International Economy, 16th-19th Centuries - XIX World Economic History Congress.
    • Lugtigheid, R. (speaker) & Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2022). From fine brocades to crimson velvets: A lavish group of mid-17th-century silks found in the Wadden Sea, North Holland, 29th General Assembly and Congress of CIETA.
    • van Bommel, M. (speaker), Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Meijer, S. (speaker), Erdmann, R. (speaker), van Rijn, R. R. (speaker), Coban, S. (speaker), Reissland, B. (speaker), Memariam, S. (speaker), van Dijk, S. (speaker) & Hermens, E. (speaker) (3-12-2020). The CarpetAct project, NICAS project week 2020, Amsterdam.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (3-10-2020). The Global Trade of Cochineal in the Early Modern World, Rijksmuseum.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Joosten, I. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (7-11-2019). Crimson, black, silver and gold in a lavish 17th-century finding off the coast of Texel, North Holland, 38 annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, Amsterdam.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Erdmann, R. (speaker), Meijer, S. (speaker), van Dijk, S. (speaker), Hermens, E. (speaker), van Rijn, R. (speaker), Coban, S. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (12-9-2019). The CarpetACT Project: A Non-Invasive Automatic Approach for Unprecedented Interpretations about The Construction of Islamic Carpets, Dressing The Early Modern Network Conference 2019, Lisbon.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Meijer, S. (speaker), Erdmann, R. (speaker), van Rijn, R. R. (speaker), Coban, S. (speaker), Reissland, B. (speaker), van Dijk, S. (speaker), Hermens, E. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (12-9-2019). 'The CarpetACT Project: A non-invasive automatic approach for unprecedented interpretations about the construction of Islamic carpets, Dressing The Early Modern Network Conference 2019, Lisbon.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Brokerhof, A. (speaker), Ankersmit, B. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (21-6-2019). Material investigation of a unique archaeological finding of silk fragments, and its long-term preservation, ICOM-CC Textiles Working Group Interim Meeting, Riggisberg.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Brokerhof, A. (speaker), Ankersmit, B. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (6-6-2019). From the bottom of the sea to the display case: research on archaeological maritime silk textiles for their long-term preservation, NICAS colloquium, biweekly, Amsterdam.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) & van Bommel, M. (speaker) (5-6-2018). CarpetACT: Automated interpretation of X-radiographs and CT scans to assess Islamic carpet construction, International expert meeting “Revealing Hidden Letters", Den Haag.
    • Albano Serrano, A. F. (speaker), van Bommel, M. (speaker) & Joosten, C. (speaker) (26-10-2017). A TIME-CAPSULE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA The material study of 17th-century textiles found in the Wadden Sea, 36 annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, London.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2017). Kleuren uit de Nieuwe Wereld: de assimilatie van Amerikaanse kleurstoffen in 16e en 17e eeuwse Europese textielcentra, Natuurlijk Kleuren Symposium, Textielcommissie.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2016). Crimson Red and the Changing Patterns of Consumption of Insect Dyes, in Early Modern European Dress, Dressing the Early Modern Network Conference, Bologna.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2016). The Red Road of the Iberian Expansion: cochineal and the global dye trade, NICAS colloquium .
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), van Bommel, M. (speaker), Lopes, J. (speaker) & Hallett, J. (speaker) (2014). The Red Road of the Iberian Expansion, cochineal and the global dye trade: characterization of crimson textiles dyed with scale insects using UHPLC and multivariate statistical analysis, 33rd Dyes in History and Archaeology.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2012). ARCHLAB Transnational Access - The Red Road of the Iberian Expansion: cochineal and the global dye trade, CHARISMA Joint TNAs ARCHLAB-MOLAB-FIXLAB User’s Meeting.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Sousa, M. (speaker), Hallett, J. (speaker), Lopes, J. (speaker) & Oliveira, M. (speaker) (2011). A New Methodology for the Analysis of Cochineal Dyes in Historical Textiles, 30th Dyes in History and Archaeology.
    • Hallett, J. (speaker), Sousa, M. (speaker), Santos, R. (speaker) & Albano Serrano, A. (speaker) (2010). The Colour of Textiles: weaving History with Science, Meetings about Art and Empire.
    • Albano Serrano, A. (speaker), Sousa, M. (speaker), Hallett, J. (speaker) & Passos Leite, M. (speaker) (2010). Cochineal, A Precious Source of Red, Colours, Early Textiles Study Group (ETSG).


    • Albano Serrano, A. (organiser) (24-6-2024 - 28-6-2024). TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTILE WEAVES COURSE. The course focuses on understanding how textile heritage was made throughout the centuries, and the evolution of weaving and looms, and the types of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Bommel, M. (organiser), Berbers, S. (organiser), Proaño Gaibor, A. N. (organiser), Albano Serrano, A. (organiser) & Meijer, S. (organiser) (7-11-2019 - 9-11-2019). 38 annual meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Albano Serrano, A. (participant) (2019). Dressing The Early Modern Network Conference 2019, Lisbon. Local Organizing Committee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Albano Serrano, A. (participant) (2017). Najaarssymposium 2017: Natuurlijk kleuren, Amersfoort. Scientific Organizing Committee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Serrano, A., Meijer, S., van Rijn, R. R., Coban, S. B., Reissland, B., Hermens, E., Batenburg, K. J. & van Bommel, M. (2020). Collected data from the non-invasive imaging of historical knotted-pile carpets. DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities.
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  • Ancillary activities
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