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Adler, Nanci, ed. Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice: Crimes, Courts, Commissions, and Chronicling. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2018.
Adler, Nanci. “On History, Historians, and Transitional Justice,” in Adler, Nanci, ed. Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2018.
Adler, Nanci. “Challenges to Transitional Justice in Russia,” in: Stan, Lavinia, Horne, Cynthia M., eds. Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union: Reviewing the Past, Looking Toward the Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Adler, Nanci, “Communism’s Compelling Grasp, “ in: Karlsson, Klas-Göran, Stenfeldt, Johan & Zander, Ulf, eds., COMNAZ: Perspectives on the Entangled Histories of Communism and National Socialism. Maryland: Lexington Books, 2015.
Adler, Nanci. “Rehabilitation of the Soviet Past,” in Parmentier, Stephan, Czarnota, Adam, eds., Rule of Law and Institution Design. Antwerp: Intersentia, (forthcoming).
Adler, Nanci. Keeping Faith with the Party: Communist Believers Return from the Gulag. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.
Adler, Nanci, Leydesdorff, Selma, eds. Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2013.
Adler, Nanci, Leydesdorff, Selma. “Introduction, in” Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2013.
Adler, Nanci. “Legacies of the Stalinist Repression: Narratives of the Children of Loyalist ‘Enemies of the People’,” in Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life Story Narratives. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2013.
Adler, Nanci. “Country Study: Russia,” The Encyclopaedia of Transitional Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Adler, Nanci. “Institutional Study: Memorial,” The Encyclopaedia of Transitional Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Adler, Nanci, Leydesdorff, Selma,, eds. Memories of Mass Violence: Narrating Life Stories in the Aftermath of Atrocity. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2009.
Adler, Nanci, Leydesdorff, Selma,, “Introduction,” in Memories of Mass Violence: Narrating Life Stories in the Aftermath of Atrocity. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2009.
Adler, Nanci. The Gulag Survivor: Beyond the Soviet System. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2002, and 2004 (paperback with new introduction).
Adler, Nanci. "The Return of the Repressed: Survival after the Gulag," in Bertraux, Daniel, Thompson,
Paul, eds.. On Living Through Soviet Russia. London: Routledge, 2004.
Adler, Nanci. ed. “Introduction,” Genocide and Accountability. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers, 2003.
Adler, Nanci. "In Search of Identity: The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Recreating Russia," in Aguilar, Paloma,, eds., The Politics of Memory: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Adler, Nanci. Victims of Soviet Terror: The Story of the Memorial Movement. Westport: Praeger, 1993.
Adler, Nanci. “Kommunizm vnutri: o vernosti partii do, vo vremia i posle GULAGa” Repressirovannaia Rossiiskaia Provintsiia. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011.
Adler, Nanci. Overleven na de Goelag.Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 2006.
Adler, Nanci. Preziveli iz Gulaga: S one strane sovjetskog sistema. Belgrad: Beogradski krug, 2005.
Adler, Nanci. Vyzhivshie v GULAG. Moscow: “Zven’ia”, Memorial, 2005.
Adler, Nanci. “En busca de una identidad: el derrumbamiento de la Unión Soviética y la recreación de Rusia, in Barahona de Brito, Alexandra,, eds.., Las políticas hacia el pasado: Juicios, depuraciones, perdón y olvido en las nuevas democracias. Madrid, ISTMO, 2002.
International peer-reviewed journals
Adler, Nanci, Üngör, Uğur Ümit. “Epilogue: Indonesia in the Global Context of Genocide and Transitional Justice,” Journal of Genocide Research 19, 3 (2017).
Adler, Nanci, “Communism’s ‘Bright Past’: Loyalty to the Party despite the Gulag,”, in Faces and Traces of Violence: Memory Politics in Global Perspective,Culture and History Digital Journal. 3, 3 (2014): e015.
Adler, Nanci. “The ‘Bright Past’, or Whose (Hi)story? Challenges in Russia and Serbia Today." Philosophy and Society, XXIII, 4 (2012): 119-138.
Adler, Nanci. “Reconciliation with – or Rehabilitation of – the Soviet Past?” Memory Studies 5, 3 (2012): 327-338.
Adler, Nanci. Review Essay. International Journal of Transitional Justice 1-6 (2011).
Adler, Nanci. “Enduring Repression: Narratives of Loyalty to the Party Before, During, and After the Gulag.” Europe-Asia Studies 62, 2 (2010): 2111-234.
Adler, Nanci. “The Future of the Soviet Past Remains Unpredictable: The Resurrection of Stalinist Symbols Amidst the Exhumation of Mass Graves.” Europe-Asia Studies 57, 8 (2005): 1093-1119.
Adler, Nanci. “Life in the ‘Big Zone’: The Fate of Returnees in the Aftermath of Stalinist Repression.” Europe-Asia Studies 51, 1 (1999): 5-19.
Adler, Nanci, Gluzman, Semyon. “Soviet Special Psychiatric Hospitals: Where the System Was Criminal and the Inmates Were Sane.” British Journal of Psychiatry 163 (1993): 713-720.
Adler, Nanci, Mueller, G.O.W., Ayat, M. “Psychiatry Under Tyranny: the Report of a Consultative Mission to Bucharest, Romania.” Current Psychology 12 (1993): 3-17.
Adler, Nanci. “Planned Economy and Unplanned Criminality: the Soviet Experience.” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 17, 1 (1993): 189-201.
Adler, Nanci, Gluzman, Semyon.“Pytka Psykhiatriei.” Obozrenie Psikhiatrii i Meditsinskoi Psikhologii Imeni V.M. Bekhtereva 3 (1992): 138-152.
Adler, Nanci. “Oral History in the Soviet Union: Bearing Witness to A Story that Should Not Die with the Witnesses.” Tijdschrift voor Theoretische Geschiedenis Themanummer Rusland, 19 (1993): 449-456.
Adler, N., & Weiss-Wendt, A. (2021). Introduction: Revisiting the Future of the Soviet Past and the Memory of Stalinist Repression. In A. Weiss-Wendt , & N. Adler (Eds.), The Future of the Soviet Past: The Politics of History in Putin's Russia (pp. 1-27). Indiana University Press. [details]
Weiss-Wendt, A., & Adler, N. (Eds.) (2021). The Future of the Soviet Past: The Politics of History in Putin's Russia. Indiana University Press. [details]
Adler, N. (2018). Challenges to Transitional Justice in Russia. In C. M. Horne, & L. Stan (Eds.), Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union: Reviewing the Past, Looking toward the Future (pp. 45-65). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Adler, N. (2018). Introduction: On History, Historians, and Transitional Justice. In N. Adler (Ed.), Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice: Crimes, Courts, Commissions, and Chronicling (pp. 1-20). (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights Series). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. [details]
Adler, N. (2015). Communism's Compelling Grasp: Enduring the Gulag and Enduring Loyalty. In K-G. Karlsson, J. Stenfeldt, & U. Zander (Eds.), Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism: A Comnaz Analysis (pp. 119-136). Lanham: Lexington Books. [details]
Adler, N. (2013). International Historical-Enlightenment and Human Rights Society Memorial (Soviet Union, Russia). In L. Stan, & N. Nedelsky (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Vol. 3, pp. 241-245). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Adler, N. D. (2013). Sokhraniaia vernost' v partii. Rossiǐskai︠a Politicheskai︠a Ėnciclopedii︠a (ROSSPEN).
Adler, N. (2012). Keeping faith with the Party: Communist believers return from the Gulag. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. [details]
Adler, N. (2011). [Review of: M. Nalepa (2010) Skeletons in the closet: transitional justice in post-Communist Europe; L. Stan (2009) Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: reckoning with the Communist past]. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 5(2), 313-318.[details]
Adler, N., Ensel, R., & Wintle, M. (Eds.) (2019). Narratives of War: Remembering and Chronicling Battle in Twentieth-Century Europe. (Memory and Narrative). Routledge.[details]
Adler, N. (Ed.) (2018). Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice: Courts, Crimes, Commissions, and Chronicling. (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights Series). New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. [details]
Adler, N. (2011). "Kommunizm vnutri": o vernosti partii do, vo vremia i posle GULAGa. In Y. V. Kodin (Ed.), Istoriia stalinizma: repressirovannaia rossiiskaia provintsiia: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii: Smolensk, 9-11 oktiabria 2009 g. (pp. 408-415). Rosspen. [details]
Adler, N. (2011). Osobennosti issledovatel’skoi raboty nad biografiiami zhertv stalinizma. In E. IU. Kandrashina (Ed.), Istoriia stalinizma: itogi i problemy izucheniia: materialy mezhdunardonoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Moskva, 5-7 dekabria 2008 g. (pp. 672-679). Rosspen. [details]
Adler, N., Leydesdorff, S., Chamberlain, M., & Neyzi, L. (2009). Memories of mass repression: narrating life stories in the aftermath of atrocity. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. [details]
Adler, N., Leydesdorff, S., Chamberlain, M., & Neyzi, L. (2009). Introduction. In N. Adler, S. Leydesdorff, M. Chamberlain, & L. Neyzi (Eds.), Memories of mass repression: narrating life stories in the aftermath of atrocity (pp. ix-xxi). Transaction. [details]
Adler, N. D. (2021). Wat Willen We Nooit Meer. Het Parool.
Membership / relevant position
Adler, N. (2018). Academic Advisory Board, Vienna Simon Wiesenthal Institute.
Adler, N. (2018). International Advisory Board, Journal of Genocide Research.
Adler, N. (2014-2016). Steering Committee on Higher Education, AEGIS.
Adler, N. (2013). Steering Committee member, Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability, Columbia University.
Adler, N. (30-01-2021). Opinie: Wat willen we nooit meer. Opinie: ‘Wat willen we nooi meer?’ Het Parool,.
Adler, N. (05-01-2020). Stalin: Das Comeback eines Massenmordes [Print] Die Presse. - Stalin: Das Comeback eines Massenmordes, Interview, Die Presse, January 5, 2020. http://C690B786-65ED-410A-A50D-4487BB5E936A (1).pdf;
Adler, N. (03-12-2019). Erinnerungskultur unter Kontrolle [Radio] Austrian Public Radio ORT. Erinnerungskultur unter Kontrolle.
Adler, N. (31-08-2019). Wat heb je nou aan interviews over een oorlog die 75 jaar geleden is geëindigd? Trouw. Wat heb je nou aan interviews over een oorlog die 75 jaar geleden is geëindigd?.
Bouwknegt, T. B. (2017). Cross-examining the past: Transitional justice, mass atrocity trials and history in Africa. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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