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Because GSH PhD candidates may need to train very different and specific research skills, it is not feasible to include the broad variety of these skills in the GSH skills training programme. That is why The Graduate School has set up a system of small scale research tutorials under the supervision of faculty experts.

Below is a list of possible experts and their expertise. Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, and you are welcome to come up with an additional expert from the faculty. If you are interested in taking a tutorial, please, contact the expert to discuss the content and the coordinator of the Skills Programme (Margreet or Eloe) at We will help you set up the tutorial.

Paul Boersma

PhD candidates who need to develop their insight into the application of statistical and experimental methods in linguistics may participate in the Statistics in Linguistics course which is annually offered by Paul Boersma.

Jeroen de Kloet

What can we learn from anthropological fieldwork methods in our research practices in the humanities? How to sensitize ourselves for situated knowledges, for a more serious comparative approach, and for a research practice in which the object of analysis is studied in relation to its cultural context?

Christa-Maria Lerm-Hayes

This training seeks to triangulate your artistic research project between what lives in the art world and in completed PhD projects, with the possibilities afforded by your research question and with your practice(s) in mind – while not forgetting the UvA’s regulations to see you through to successful completion.

Niels ten Oever

Niels can assist you with managing literature and references (with Zotero); Research data management strategies (archive structures, backups, ethics and self-hosting (Nextcloud, UvA hosting, Git)); and Liberate your computer - Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (Linux, Libre Office, Git, Github, etc).

Arjen Versloot

Working with linguistic corpora does not only require technical skills, but also an understanding of what can and cannot be investigated, tested and analysed in them: factors, biasses and confounders. A special field are historical text sources which are small corpora of attestations in their own right, with various particular limitations and characteristics. Apart from that, I could help students with the visual (graphs, tables and in particular maps for data with a geographical component) presentation of their results.

Jitte Waagen

Jitte Waagen can assist you with GIS/Geo-ICT, databases, drones, photogrammetry/IBM/SfM, (spatial) statistics.

How to set up a tutorial

Ideally, a tutorial has five or six participants to train specialist skills they need for their research projects, e.g. quantitative analysis of corpus data, interview techniques, digital ethnography. Because of the small scale set-up, the tutorials will be highly interactive and because the PhD candidates themselves are involved in the programme, the expectation is that the tutorials will be an efficient way of sharing specialist knowledge and skills.

There are no set times and dates for the tutorials and they can take place whenever it suits the tutor and the PhD candidates involved. Each tutorial can have no more than 3 meetings and the tutors will receive compensation from the limited budget [a maximum of 20 hours per tutorial] that the GSH has available.

To organize a tutorial, we ask the participating PhD candidates, together with the tutor to submit a plan before the meeting or meetings and to write a very short evaluation afterwards. Once there is a plan, the skills courses coordinators can assist with announcing the tutorial, book rooms and other practicalities.

The tutorial plan includes

1) name and details of the PhD candidate(s) and the tutor; 2) course objectives; 3) schedule; 4) readings; 5) assignments; 6) number of tutor hours: with a maximum of 20 hours per tutorial.

For questions, please contact us at