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Peer consultation or intervision is a way to find solutions for, and learn from, issues and problems in everyday work with a group of colleague PhD researchers.

Under supervision of a professional coach you will learn how to consult peer PhDs to deal with PhD-specific issues, such as: stress, deadlines, overload of work, perfectionism, how to express yourself in a meeting, how to deal with supervisors with conflicting interests or opinions, lack of time and attention from your supervisor and many more issues. The key element is that PhDs exchange ways on how to deal with or tackle these issues and challenges.

The first 2 sessions are guided by a trainer, who will teach you the intervision method. After this the groups continue independently, planning and developing their own sessions. Usually a group consists of 5-8 participants and meet every 6 weeks. A session takes about 2 hours.


If you wish to join a peer consultation group, please send us an email at and we will start a new group when there are enough members or find a place for you in an existing group.