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Since a great deal is invested in obtaining valuable research data, good data management is important. But what does that involve? How do you ensure that your data remain accessible and usable in the future, for yourself and others? This introductory workshop will help you get started.

Course description

This workshop for PhD researchers of the Faculty of Humanities centers around the data management plan (DMP): a digital document in which you describe what data you are going to collect during your research project, how you will store and manage the data during the project, and what will happen to the data after the project has finished.

Planning for data management reduces the chances of having to face nasty surprises later in your research. It will save you time, work and money. Moreover, a growing number of research funders make a (succinct) DMP mandatory.

When to take the course?

The best moment for the course is usually during the first year of your PhD. The exact timing depends on your individual situation. To benefit fully from the course, take it before you start working with research data for your project but make sure that you already know to some extend what type of data you are going to use.

Course dates & Registration
  • Registration - general information

    Course registration for the 1st semester 2024-2025 opens in September. You will be informed by your local research school before registration opens.

    When registration is open, you will find the registrations links in the specific course fold-out. Please register for the waiting list if the course is full. This also signals the demand for the course.

  • Group A - online | start 19 September

    Thursday 19 September + Friday 20 September
    9:30 - 12:30
    Online only

    Attendance is required on both days to complete the course!

    N.B. Please be aware that to be able to participate in the online course you will have to be visible and audible for the teacher and your fellow participants during the whole training.

  • Group B - on campus | 8 November

    Friday 8 November
    9:30 - 16:00
    on campus

    Lunch will be provided


    Room E1.08
    Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
    1012 CN Amsterdam

  • Group C - on campus | 29 November

    Friday 29 November
    9:30 - 16:00
    on campus

    Lunch will be provided

    University Library

    Room C1.08 Vondelzaal
    Singel 425
    1012 WP Amsterdam

  • Group D - on campus | 16 December

    Monday 16 December
    9:30 - 16:00
    on campus

    Lunch will be provided


    Room E1.08
    Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
    1012 CN Amsterdam

Course details

Class themes

After attending the workshop, you will

  • understand what research data are and what management of research data involves,
  • have successfully completed a DMP for your research project, and
  • know who to ask for help with any data management issues.


There will be a small pre-assignment which needs to be submitted a week before the course day.


The workshop will be given by Hanna Fricke and Kamran Adeli, our faculty's data stewards.