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PhD candidates employed by the Faculty of Humanities receive funding from the Faculty or from the inter-faculty research institute ILLC. Sometimes the funding comes from EU or NWO grants, sometimes it comes directly from the Faculty.

PhD vacancies at the Faculty of Humanities

A direct link to our vacancies can be found here You should also check the websites of the AIHR research schools and the ILLC.

Each vacancy also lists a contact person who can provide you with further information on that specific vacancy. Please note that vacancies mean a paid position at our faculty.


NWO, the Dutch Research Council, provides talented researchers with a paid PhD position via its PhD's in the Humanities programme. If you are interested in becoming a PhD candidate through this programme, you need to find a supervisor (a senior researcher) working at the Faculty of Humanities and then contact and apply via one of the research schools of AIHR to take part in a pre-selection process organised by the Faculty of Humanities (you cannot apply for this programme directly at NWO). The deadline for applications for this pre-selection procedure is usually around December. 

NWO also provides talented researchers with a paid PhD position via the Mosaic 2.0 programme. This programme is aimed at the underrepresented group of graduates with a migration background from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America and Turkey in the Netherlands. If you are interested in becoming a PhD candidate through this programme, you need to find a supervisor (a senior researcher) working at the Faculty of Humanities to apply on your behalf.