20 February 2025
In recent years, the history of knowledge has been established as a vibrant field within historical scholarship. The History of Knowledge Conference aims to gather scholars from different backgrounds to continue to develop the field of history of knowledge and inspire international collaboration. We welcome papers and panels on any period, region and topic, as long as they are clearly related and relevant to the history of knowledge. However, we particularly encourage the submission of papers and panels that tie in with one or several of the six research focus areas at LUCK:
Paper Submissions
Each paper will be given 20 minutes, including discussion. Abstracts of single papers should contain the name of the speaker, full contact address (including email address), the title and a summary of the paper of maximally 250 words.
Please submit your paper abstract here: https://www.appinconf.com/kas/Abstract?projectName=hok2025
Deadline for abstracts: 1 May, 2025
Notification of acceptance: 15 June, 2025
Panel Submissions
A panel should cover a coherent theme and can either relate to one/several of our focus areas or to a more general topic in the history of knowledge. Each panel last 90 minutes and should consist of 3–5 papers, possibly including a general commentary. Please remember to leave sufficient time for general discussion. Panel proposals should contain the name of the chair, the names of the speakers (and, if applicable, the commentator), email addresses of all of the participants and the title of the panel. In addition, the proposals should contain a short description of the panel’s content and a summary of each paper (in total 500 words).
Please submit your panel abstract here: https://www.appinconf.com/kas/Abstract?projectName=hok2025
Deadline for panel proposals: 1 May, 2025
Notification of acceptance: 15 June, 2025
The conference is organized by the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK), based at the Department of History, Lund University, in southern Sweden. The centre was inaugurated in 2020 and it comprises the history of knowledge seminar, research projects with different orientations, the history of knowledge visiting fellowship programme, the history of knowledge summer school, various networks and a digital platform.