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ARTES welcomes PhD researchers Rena Hänel, Rui Huang, Ula Malecka and Eric Zhang

Rena Hänel – project ‘Legal Mobilisation in European Law’. Supervisors: Marta Morvillo and Stefan Salomon. Promotor: Theresa Kuhn.  

Rui Huang – project ‘Chinese Migrants' Selves in Europe’. Daily supervisors: Linde Luijnenburg and Franziska Plümmer. Promotor: Josephine Hoegaerts.

Ula Malecka – project ‘The Politics of EU Climate Policies’. Daily Supervisors: Andrew Telford, Matteo Fermeglia and Hanna Muehlenhoff. Promotor: Peter van Dam.

Eric Zhang – project ‘Infrastructural Ideologies in the EU, Russia, and China’. Daily supervisors: Niels ten Oever, Fieke Jansen and Maxigas Dunajcsik. Promotor: Theresa Kuhn.