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Jacob Engelberg is Assistant Professor of Film, Media, and Culture.

He completed his BA in English and Film Studies, and MA in Sexual Dissidence, at the University of Sussex, before completing his PhD in Film Studies at King’s College London. His current research considers the relations between sexuality and the cinema, particularly as these pertain to questions of epistemology, hermeneutics, form, and historiography. In the monograph he is currently completing, Jacob proposes the theoretical utility of cinematic figures of bisexual transgression for a radical recalibration queer film studies. Jacob has also completed research into pornographic film, articulations of Jewishness in transnational cinemas, and the cinema of Ingmar Bergman. His work has appeared in the Journal of Bisexuality and Porn Studies, where he is currently editing a special collection on bisexuality and pornography. Jacob also has chapters under contract with Routledge, Wiley-Blackwell, Intellect, and Liverpool University Press.