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Bram Mellink and Jesse van Amelsvoort have been awarded the Healthy Future Seed Grant in the UvA's theme-based collaboration programme that invites academics to formulate new, sometimes unexpected research questions on socially relevant themes at the interface of disciplines and faculties - and to also incorporate these in teaching.

The project Distorted transmission. AIDS, minority stress and understanding Dutch (male) homosexual minorities’ collective past will be awarded 50.000 euro. The research team consists of Bram Mellink, Jesse van Amelsvoort and Jan Willem Duyvendak.

This project examines how the self-appreciation of (male) homosexual minorities in the Netherlands has been shaped by the HIV/AIDS-crisis of the 1980s. Through archival research and interviews with long-time HIV/AIDS survivors, we will investigate how the collective experience of HIV/AIDS has affected homosexual men’s self-appreciation from the 1980s to the present. Envisioned outputs include trial interviews with long-term survivors, an expert meeting, a larger grant application (such as with NWO Open Competition), and a peer-reviewed literature review article.

Dr. J.D. (Jesse) van Amelsvoort

Faculty of Humanities

Europese studies

Dr A.G.M. (Bram) Mellink

Faculty of Humanities
