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Pei-Sze Chow (Film Studies) and Claudio Celis Bueno (New Media and Digital Culture) have been appointed Fellows of the UvA Institute for Advanced Study.
Pei-Sze Chow
Claudio Celis Bueno

Over the next 12 months, they will work on their project 'Automated Cinema: Technographic Explorations of Artificial Intelligence in Film Culture'. Emerging from their work in the AI and Cultural Production research group at ASCA, the project investigates how AI-powered tools are being used in the film industry and how a growing shift towards algorithmically assisted filmmaking may impact creative, economic, technical, and aesthetic aspects of film production.

Faculty members and research students are welcome to subscribe to the mailing list for updates and write to Pei-Sze and Claudio directly to learn more or discuss ideas for collaboration.