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Please come join us in celebrating 30 years of ASCA. During the afternoon, we will have two panel discussions, in which several ASCA members and alumni will look both back and forward to the continuously changing research of ASCA.
Event details of ASCA’s 30th Anniversary
13 December 2024
13:00 -22:00


13:00-13:10     Opening by Jaap Kooijman and Esther Peeren

13:10-14:40     Technology and Power: Pasts, Presents & Futures
The panel “Technology and Power: Pasts, Presents & Futures” is organized by Claudio Celis Bueno.
Panelists are: Gavin Mueller, Brian McKenna, Dieuwertje Luitse, Selin Gerlek, Stefania Milan

15:00-17:30     The Future of Cultural Analysis
The two-parted panel “The Future of Cultural Analysis: A Critical Inquiry” and “Cultural Analysis, circa 2034” is organized by Murat Aydemir, Aylin Kuryel, and Noa Roei, the editors of the book The Future of Cultural Analysis, forthcoming with Amsterdam University Press.

  • Part One: The Future of Cultural Analysis: A Critical Inquiry
    With Mieke Bal, Aslı Özgen, Alvaro Lopez, Niall Martin, and Jules Sturm
  • Part Two: Cultural Analysis, circa 2034
    With Isabel Hoving, Pepita Hesselberth, Melanie Schiller, Eliza Steinbock, Jasmijn Leeuwenkamp, Bo Wang, and Safae el Khanoussi

17:30-22:00     Drinks and Dinner
The afternoon session will be followed by drinks at 17:30. We will close the celebratory event with a festive vegan dinner, starting at 19:00 hrs. 

It is not necessary to register for the afternoon panels; it is no longer possible to register for dinner.

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Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam