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We Have Never Had Sex Seminar with a Masterclass by Dr. Wendy Lotterman, University of Oslo | November 1st, 12-15h | OMHP room C 1.17   
Event details of The State of Union: Sex and Recognition in Robert Glück and Obergefell   
1 November 2024
12:00 -15:00

Wendy Lotterman's first book of poetry, A Reaction to Someone Coming In, was published by Futurepoem in 2023. They are an associate editor of Parapraxis, a magazine of psychoanalysis and politics, as well as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oslo. Their postdoctoral research project, titled “Lyric Privacy: Possessive-Individualism in US Case Law and Contemporary Poetry,” investigates the genealogical parallel between lyric and liberal subjectivity, arguing that the post-Romantic lyric subject is built upon the same presupposition of individuation that underwrites the Western citizen-subject.