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The Illustrated Cityscape. Imperfect Lines of Urban Exploration Supervisors: Emilie Sitzia and Carolyn Birdsall | 15 October 2024, 16.00, Agnietenkapel.
Event details of Dissertation Defense: Tânia Esteves Fernandes Cardoso
15 October 2024

Tânia A. Cardoso’s research seeks to generate original urban debate through a mixed methodology that combines theory and praxis. The study delves into illustration as a visual form of urban storytelling and communication. It addresses urban issues and engages with the city and its inhabitants proposing novel approaches to analysing, raising awareness, and uncovering new perspectives and insights in between urban studies and illustration. The artistic practice as research developed through the dissertation intends to demonstrate how the phenomenon of “illustrated cities” potentially inspires a more politically aware understanding of urban space, empowering the readers to see the city in a new light and revealing surprising connections at the intersection between urban experience, place, and illustration. 

This research work led to participating in Stadstekenaars 2024: Rotterdam Getekend. The drawings created will be presented in the Kunsthal Rotterdam from 18 October 2024. They will then be included in the Stadsarchief collection and will become part of the Rotterdam Collection. Details will soon be announced.


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