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Are you looking for your future job or wanting to strengthen your position in the Dutch labor market? The Career Swifters course will help prepare you for a working field in which you can flourish.
Event details of PhD Skills | Building a Career: Career Swifters
24 October 2024

Course Description

In three sessions combined with one personal coaching session, you will discover your personal purpose and development points, get insight into different companies and roles, and get hands-on experience on how to take action to get the job you want.

Why the Career Swifters program?

A large percentage of PhD candidates leaves the university directly after their promotion. Finding a job outside of academia can then be a great challenge. If you want to excel in a professional field, it is essential to be aware of the opportunities that present themselves in the labor market. For example, which positions fit the profile of PhDs - in particular those in Humanities - outside of the traditional ‘consultant’ or ‘researcher’ position, what your actual compatible skills are and how to translate these into business oriented value and language.

Especially for PhD candidates it is sometimes difficult to think of where your added value lies, what your options are in the work field, and what you truly want: what makes you thrive. This is where the Careers Swifters program comes in. More information about the course can be found below.