09.45–10.00 |
Welcome |
10.00–10.35 |
Ad Backus (Tilburg University): Turkish-Dutch bilingualism: A perfect case study |
10.35–11.10 |
Margreet Dorleijn (University of Amsterdam): The fate of ‘ge-dikmek-t ’ |
Break | |
11.35–12.10 |
Cem Keskin (University of Potsdam): Blended subordination in Turkish in contact with Standard Average European |
12.10–12.45 |
Beyza Sümer (University of Amsterdam): Emergence of negation in a Turkish homesign system: Insights from the family context |
Lunch break | |
14.00–14.35 |
Faruk Akkuş (University of Massachusetts Amherst): Word-internal language mixing in trilingual settings |
14.35–15.10 |
Gerrit Jan Kootstra (Radboud University): Cross-language structural priming as a mechanism of language contact phenomena |
09.30–10.05 |
Tanja Kupisch & Anika Lloyd-Smith (University of Konstanz): Language experience and accentedness in Turkish heritage speakers of German |
10.05–10.40 |
Yevheniia Hasai (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel): Lexical transfer into English: a study on monolingual and bilingual students |
Break |
11.05–11.40 |
Anika Lloyd-Smith & Tanja Kupisch (University of Konstanz): Perceived accent in Turkish heritage speakers acquiring L3 English |
11.40–12.30 |
Panel discussion – with Deniz Tat (Leiden University) |
Attendance is free but in order for the organizers to estimate the number of participants, we would like you to register through the link below.