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The multi-awarded film An Asian Ghost Story (2023), directed by ASCA PhD candidate Bo Wang, will have its Dutch premiere at Eye Filmmuseum at 21:30, Tuesday March 5, 2024.
Event details of An Asian Ghost Story
5 March 2024
Eye Film Museum
Film still

The screening is part of Eye on Art: Shapeshifts, curated by Canal++, and co-presented by Sonic Acts Biennial and Eye Filmmuseum. Bo Wang will join the conversation with curator Julian Ross and Rachael Rakes after the screening.

An Asian Ghost Story has won 10 awards and honorable mentions worldwide, including:

  • New:Vision Award, CPH:DOX 2023
  • Arkipel Award, Arkipel 2023
  • Forum Lenteng Award, Arkipel 2023
  • Award for Excellence, Image Forum Festival 2023
  • Cosmos Award for the Best Innovative Film, Curtocircuito IFF 2023
  • New Jury Award, Curtocircuito IFF 2023
  • Golden Dove Award, DOK Leipzig 2023
  • Grand Prix André S. Labarthe, Festival Entrevues Belfort 2023
  • Winner Documentary Short, Sharjah Film Platform, 2023
  • Honorable Mention, e-flux Film Award, 2024