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Marianna Bolognesi (University of Bologna) is the guest speaker for this ACLC seminar. The title of the talk is "Conceptual concreteness and categorical specificity in word processing and representation."
Event details of ACLC Seminar | Marianna Bolognesi
7 December 2023
15:00 -16:00
P.C. Hoofthuis

Conceptual concreteness and categorical specificity in word processing and representation.

When investigating the phenomenon labelled as "Abstraction", researchers may refer to the variable that distinguishes concrete from abstract concepts ("banana" vs "belief") or to the variable that defines conceptual categories with different degrees of inclusiveness or granularity ("animal" vs "sheep"). Often, these two variables are confused with one another, under the intuitive assumption that they are positively and strongly correlated: the more a concept is concrete, the more it tends to be specific. In this talk, I will delve in the relation between these two variables, concreteness and specificity, illustrating their role in language processing. The data presented during the talk is part of the scientific production funded by the ERC project Abstraction: Unlocking meaning from experience through language (ERC-2021-STG-101039777).

About the ACLC seminar series

The ACLC seminar series is a two weekly lecture series organized by the ACLC, the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication.

P.C. Hoofthuis

Room 4.40
Spuistraat 134
1012 VB Amsterdam