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This hands-on workshop is for PhD students in the Humanities who wish to improve their library skills.
Event details of PhD Skills | Research Skills: Library | on campus
30 November 2023
13:00 -15:00
BG 2

This workshop is for PhD students in the Humanities who wish to improve their library skills. In this hands-on workshop you will learn to:

  • familiarise yourself quickly with your subject 
  • formulate the correct search terms 
  • make optimal use of search engines and databases related to your subject 
  • find primary and secondary literature on your subject (off and online), even if not available in our the library
  • evaluate your results and store them securely.


Teachers of this workshop are subject librarians in the Humanities. With their subject-specific and general knowledge of the library they can help you with your research.

BG 2

Room 0.12
Turfdraagsterpad 15-17
1012 XT Amsterdam