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Double book launch with Carolyn Birdsall and Elodie A. Roy | Date: 21 November 2023, Time: 17:30-19:00, Location: SPUI25, Amsterdam
Event details of Objects of Desire
21 November 2023
17:30 -19:00

During this launch event, we will celebrate the release of new books by Carolyn Birdsall (Radiophilia, 2023) and Elodie A. Roy (Shellac in Visual and Sonic Culture, 2023). With moderation by Toni Pape (Media Studies, UvA), we’ll start the event with short presentations of each book and a response from Natalie Scholz (History, UvA), followed by a borrel/drinks reception.

All most welcome! For more information and registration, please see the SPUI25 website: