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The ACLC research group Corpus-based and/or Computational Approaches to Language and Literature (CCALL) organizes a workshop on topic modelling on Friday, June 16th from 12 to 3 PM in PCH 5.55. Everyone at the ACLC is welcome to participate.
Event details of Workshop on Topic Modelling
16 June 2023
12:00 -15:00
P.C. Hoofthuis

About the workshop:

Topic modelling is one of the most popular methods for explorative research in large collections of documents, and topic models can also be foundational to various other language technology such as search engines. Recently, it has found many applications in the humanities as well, for example for exploring collections of reviews of media, trends in social media posts or by correlating topics to sociolinguistic variables in text corpora. In this workshop, we will cover some basics of topic modelling and we will do some hands-on practice, both with easy-to-use tools and with Python for those who have programming experience (but programming experience is not required to participate in the workshop). 

The workshop is led by Jelke Bloem and Viktorija Konstadinova.

There will be coffee, tea, and sandwiches, kindly sponsored by the ACLC.