The FGw Consortium Fund supports research staff in initiating or consolidating national or international networking activities, with the aim of increasing research collaborations with (inter)national (and non-academic) partners. Ultimately, the fund should pave the way for applications by a consortium, both for EU grants (e.g. Horizon Europe Global Challenges; Marie Curie Doctoral Networks; COST) and in the context of the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA).
NB: this funding scheme is not intended to support the preparation of personal grants (ERC Starting/Consolidator/Advanced, NWO Veni/Vidi/Vici); please see the FGw RIS Fund.
The FGw Consortium Fund operates without formal deadlines. Applicants are free to submit an application at any time during the academic year. We aim to inform applicants of the outcome of their application within a month from the date of submission.
1. Network grants
Intended for organising network meetings at the UvA with (inter)national partners, with the aim of strengthening (inter)national collaboration and developing networks with academic (and non-academic) partners. The goal of the meeting is ultimately to submit a grant application for funding for an international research consortium. A maximum of €5000 can be claimed back (for e.g. travel and accommodation expenses of participants and catering costs).
2. Editing and design costs
Intended for coordinators of proposed consortia, who can claim back the costs of hiring an external editor and/or professional graphic designer to finalise a grant application.
1. Network grants
2. Editing and design costs
1. Network Grants
The faculty’s Research Council will consider the applications primarily on the basis of the quality of the applicant, the quality of the consortium, the potential of the project idea, and the feasibility and coherence of the work plan.
2. Editing and design costs
Coordinators for proposed consortia can claim back costs for editing and design by sending an e-mail to
Applications can be submitted as a single PDF file, attached by e-mail to Sarah Randeraad via
Sarah Randeraad, via