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The prizewinner of the ASH Valorisation award 2015-2016 is Frans Grijzenhout (Art History) for his project on the 'Straatje van Vermeer', announced during the ASH end of term drinks and award ceremony on 16 June 2016. Marten Jan Bok accepted the prize on his behalf.
ASH Valorisation award
Marten Jan Bok accepts the Valorisation award from ASH Director Geert Janssen on behalf of Frans Grijzenhout

This year ASH received 13 nominations for the Valorisation Award, reflecting a great variety of activities, ranging from students’ oral history projects in Amsterdam working-class neighbourhoods, to teaching modules for secondary education, contributions to a block buster exhibition about Waterloo, a beautifully written blog about the timeliness of the Middle Ages, and contributions to the heated debate about slavery.

The selection committee was unanimous in its decision to award the prize to Frans Grijzenhout for his research into and identification of the Straatje van Vermeer. The project stands out because of its appealing and wide-ranging outreach activities, because it was clearly guided and inspired by Frans Grijzenhout’s own research, but above all because it demonstrates how years of meticulous archival research can lead to new insight and publications that appeal to a wide audience, also beyond academia.

About the award

The ASH Valorisation Award is presented annually to (a) member(s) of the Amsterdam School for Historical Studies. The award recognises an individual or team’s ability to reach new audiences, demonstrating a lasting impact on the public. The award is accompanied by a prize of € 250.

ASH Valorisation award
Dr Marten Jan Bok during the award ceremony