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This collection of eighteen articles treats the topic of ribaldry, obscenity, and irreverence in classical and modern Arabic literature across a number of genres.
The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy

Throughout his distinguished career devoted to the study of Arabic language and literature, Geert Jan van Gelder sustained a particular interest in humour and irreverence in mujūn, broadly understood as literary expressions of indecency, encompassing the obscene, the profane, the impudent, and the taboo. Contributors to this honorific compilation tackle this subject from a wide variety of perspectives beyond the merely prurient in studies detailing the ways in which indecency has been signified, signaled, evaluated, and preserved, including translations and commentaries of exemplarily audacious texts.

The Rude, the Bad and the Bawdy. Essays in Honour of Geert Jan van Gelder

  • Adam Talib, Marlé Hammond and Arie Schippers (eds.)
  • Cambridge: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2014
  • ISBN: 978 19 097 2433 4